Friday, December 15, 2017


Let’s question God.
Let us ask Him all these difficult questions
Let us ask Him why me,
Why us,
Why now,
Why now?
Why this way.
If it wasn’t me, us, now like this,
Let us ask him why a child dies at birth,
Why the preacherman got killed and the killerman got paid,
Why the poor man can only afford one meal a day for his family,
Yet the rich man’s family are obese and busting at the seams
Let us ask God why our enemies are still free and alive on the streets,
Yet we asked Him to deal with them.
Let us ask Him why the thieves and robbers,
Rapists and murderers,
Liars and cons,
Still breath the same air,
Enjoy the same sunlight,
As the saints,
The righteous,
The noble.

Why the blind don’t see,
Why all these dumb people,
All these lame.

Let us ask Him why He isn’t making me as rich as them,
Why I have to work everyday to eat,
Yet the wicked politicians kid can live a million years without breaking a sweat.
Why the corrupt are never caught and they seem to prosper,
In our eyes.

Why do we mutter these questions to ourselves?
Why do we whisper them to ourselves?
Why do we ask the wrong people?
And yet we expect the right answer.
Why don’t muster enough courage,
Enough courage to take God at His word.
After all,
Isn’t He the one who told us;
“Come let us reason together….”

He says. ISAIAH i:xiix

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